Speaking of breakfast, porridge is the first dish that comes to the mind of the Russians. Porridge is definitely a main traditional meal in Russia. Its roots go deep into ancient history. Porridge is ubiquitously mentioned in Russian folklore – in proverbs, sayings, jokes, nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Weddings, birthday and christening parties were impossible to imagine without this dish in the old days. For instance, the bride and groom cooked porridge on their wedding day. In Russian families porridge still plays an integral part in the menu of little children.

Along with this, porridge is not only a nutritious breakfast, but also a yummy side dish. For example, barley porridge with meat is being served in the Russian army for many decades. Buckwheat with minced meat is one of the most popular homemade dishes.

Despite the fast paced modern lifestyle, many people still prefer to have porridge for breakfast. It is nutritious, cheap, fast and easy to cook. With the widespread of healthy nutrition, which implies the inclusion of slow carbohydrates in the diet, such breakfast becomes more and more popular.

For this reason we suggest to spend a little more time on your breakfast than usual. Treat yourself with an original Russian porridge from the most common ingredients which will make your day.


  • Oat groats
  • Apples
  • Banana
  • Dried apricots
  • Raisins
  • Prunes
  • Flax seeds
  • Cinnamon


Cook the compote of dried apricots and apples, then boil oat groats in the compote for 40 minutes in proportion 1 cup of groats to 3.5 cups of compote. Add flax seeds, raisins, finely chopped prunes, a pinch of cinnamon and ripe banana which is easy to mash. Leave covered until morning.

Enjoy your breakfast!