Cheese and Egg salad will be a great appetizer with vodka and decorate your holiday table. It will take at most 10 minutes to make it.

Egg – it is a very good medicine, and also the prevention of atherosclerosis. Also boiled egg is almost no kaloriy.Belok much more useful in the egg protein meat and fish, or dairy. That chicken protein absorbed by the body just instantly and fully, and, of course, brings him a huge favor. Through use eggs can recover from virtually any disease, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

Dietary and medicinal value of the cheese due to its composition. Cheese comprises up to 30% fat, 22% protein (which is much greater than in meat), a myriad of mineral salts of phosphorus, calcium, and the whole set of vitamins contained in milk.

Cheese – a treasure trove of essential amino acids, including the most scarce – methionine, lysine and tryptophan.

For the body is most useful are those proteins that are similar in amino acid content of protein human organs and tissues. And the protein contained in the cheese, meets these parameters. In addition, it is capable of enriching the amino acid composition of proteins of other products.

The milk fat in large quantities contains phosphatides playing of paramount importance in the proper digestion and metabolism of fats. Since milk fat melts even at low temperature, it is rapidly and almost completely absorbed by our body.

Vitamins are substances called life. The cheese contains all the necessary for the normal development of the human body vitamins.


for preparation Cheese and Egg salad

  • 200 g grated cheese.
  • 5 ea hard-boiled eggs.
  • 100 g mayonnaise.
  • Greens.


Combine grated cheese with chopped eggs and dress with mayonnaise.