Vegetables on Russian table
were really appreciated and grown in large quantities. Excellent second helping to groats meal, vegetables were a must at winter and summer time. Onion and garlic, as spicy vegetables, were used almost in every dish. They enjoyed the esteem of all the classes.
in truth, can be considered aboriginal Russian vegetable. Before the large potato spread among people, turnip played the principal part on the Russian table. Thanks to the “plain tastes” and yield, turnip was grown everywhere. Besides that,
this delicious vegetable
was kept very well and cost cheap; therefore it could be bought almost all the year round. With the growing popularity of potato, turnip was unfairly forgotten. The turnip, legendary vegetable by its huge size of one of the most famous Russian folktales, contains many useful substances necessary for a man. There is about 9 percent of sugar in turnip, it is also rich in vitamins C, PP and provitamin A. Russian cuisine knows a great number of recipes with turnip, they are all simple and easy to make and, what is most important, don’t demand exotic ingredients. Smoked turnip was dearer to kids than candies and prianiki.
famous for its medical characteristics, firstly was mentioned in 1073 in Russian sources. It’s known that cabbage came to the Rus from Greek-roman settlers by the Crimea. Gardens with cabbage, called “kapustniki” stroke foreigners by countless number. Cabbage is considered valuable foodstuff, not in vain: it improves intestines work, has favorable influence upon flora and assists in cholesterol withdrawal. Cabbage also contains salts, potassium, phosphorus, and sulfur, vitamin C that makes it irreplaceable on the table. But bear in mind, that the best cabbage is the fresh one. In the menu of the Russians cabbage took one of the first places. Only sauerkraut is on the table during the fall, winter and spring. Cabbage was pickled in late autumn; the entire village was covered with special tubs to chop cabbage. These tubs were a measure for sauerkraut.
was known in the Rus at the same time as cabbage in X-XI centuries. Firstly only beet tops were used for food, but then people found out that beetroots were tastier and richer. Ukraine was the recognized beet center. Ukrainian borscht is known all over the world! Beet is very good for any diseases, from the headache to the heart disease. Beet tops can be eaten from the early spring to the autumn; in its useful they surpass beetroots. Many delicious light soups are made from beet tops.
The hardest way was taken by potato to the Rus. Even the most educated people of the XIX century thought of it with dread. However with the time, potato from “uncalled” guest became the host on the Rusian table. Potato is not so rich in vitamins as other vegetables, but in the early spring it is the principal source of the vitamin C. Potato possesses medical characteristics, fresh potato slices are put on burn places of skin, potato steam is breathed in to clear the respiratory. As to the kitchen, here, potato is the unique product from which almost any dish can be done (appetizers, soups, main dishes, sweets) and which can be combined with meat, vegetables, fish, dairy and mushrooms in a delicious way.
The important part on the Russian table was taken by cucumbers, carrot, radish, tomatoes and pumpkin that brought in a unique diversity in the folk menu, especially during fasts.