Sunburn is inevitable during summer. We never plan to get sunburn, it just happens. We go out for a sun-kissed glow, only to realize that our chocolate tan has quickly turned into a painful, tomato red hue.

We’re not here to preach about the importance of sunscreen. Most already know about the saving grace of SPF creams and lotions. We’re here to talk about how to heal the pain.

I Got Sunburn. Now What?

It’s a familiar scenario: after spending an afternoon enjoying the summer sun, you look in the mirror horrified at the lobster-red skin reflected in the mirror. You did everything right — put on sunscreen, re-applied, and even wore a hat. But you still got burned.

You know the feeling. The painful, burning, itchy, sensation after a long day in the sun. You didn’t mean to get sunburned … it just happened. So what can you do to heal the pain right away? 

Read more about natural remedies for sunburn. 

Earlier this summer, we shared a number of natural remedies for sunburns. We’ve received lots of feedback from that post, and questions about one product in particular: Panthenol. So we decided to dig a little deeper into the benefits of this super fast sunburn relief remedy.

What’s so special about Panthenol?

Panthenol is a super effective first aid treatment for mild to moderate sunburn. It goes to work immediately to suppress the painful, burning sensation, and locks in moisture to help jumpstart the healing process.

Active ingredients in 911 Panthenol Body Cream include aloe vera, sea buckthorn extract, shea butter, and vitamins A and E. This combination of natural ingredients soothes a sunburn, bringing immediate relief to itching and inflammation while nourishing the skin.

Wherever you’re spending your summer weekends, make sure you stock up on Pantenol Urgent Care — sunburn immediate relief for the whole family.