In the past several years, the juicing craze has gotten completely out of control. People juice everything: pineapple, beets, cucumbers, kale, tomatoes, etc. etc. There are high-power juicers and cold-presses, juicers for one and for an entire platoon. But do we really know all there is to know about how good, or bad juicing can be for your health? If you juice, do you know what conditions you may have and how drinking different juices can affect them?

Today, we’ll talk a bit about which juices are good (and bad) for whom and how to keep your juicing experience at its best.

Let’s start with the two favorites: tomato and orange juices. I mean, we even mix them with alcohol, so they are the most widespread juices out there. The former is recommended for people who are prone to get bloated from access water, as well as those who have problems with the vascular system. Lycopene is considered to be the most important ingredient of tomato juice because it stalls the development of cancer cells. Potassium and vitamin C are other beneficial ingredients of tomato juice (hence, tomatoes). However, anyone who has bile movement problems, or has gallbladder stones should stay far away from tomato juice, or any foods that are rich with tomatoes.

Orange juice is also full of vitamin C and is great for our vascular system. It promotes younger, healthier skin and hair, as well as stronger bones and levels out mood swings. If you have stomach ulcers or gastritis, you should take precaution when drinking orange juice, as it is very acidic and can irritate the lining of your stomach.

Pomegranate juice is one of the most potent juices out there, which is why before drinking it, you should either dilute it with water, or simply drink half a glass of water before drinking the juice. Pomegranates have some of the most important food elements in them, like organic acids, vitamins, microelements, and antioxidants. If you drink pomegranate juice regularly you are postponing aging and helping your cardiovascular system. Women who are pregnant and/or nursing should not drink pomegranate juice because of its potency – it may be too much for the baby. Also, if you have constipation problems you need to stay clear of this antioxidant wonder.

Finally, let’s talk about carrot juice – another favorite of many. Drinking carrot juice regularly helps level out the digestive tract, promotes appetite, has great benefits for the nervous system and raises our immune system. Carrots lower bad cholesterols in our body and stabilize the metabolism. However, if you overdo it, you can very easily get sick: headaches, nausea, weakness. If you have diabetes, pancreatitis, or stomach flu, be very careful with carrot juice as it can emphasize all these problems.

In general, too much of a good thing is bad. This rule applies to juicing, so you should do it, but be very careful and find out all there is to know before you get consumed by it. Many people think they are doing their bodies a favor when in reality they are harming themselves more than if they weren’t doing anything at all.

We at Russian Shoppe would like to wish you to be healthy and remind you that we carry juices, as well as mors and compote. If you don’t have the time to juice first and then clean the juicer (it is sometimes more difficult than cleaning the entire house), order from us and all the deliciousness and benefits of berries and fruits will be at your door within days!