Cultural tradition, life and spirituality of a nation are always reflected in its cookery. The diversity of Russian cuisine is a good proof. A large number of culinary secrets and subtleties were borrowed and transformed from the neighboring nations. The recipes passed on through the centuries still exist in the modern cook books. Also, there are dishes that represent a certain historical epoch.
For example, the hussars. Hussar is a symbol of heroism of the 19th century, of unrestrained revelry, selflessness, bravery. Hussars always sought glory, honor and freedom. That is why the image of the hussar was shrouded in romanticism and had long been popular among the nobility and common people. From this love a lot of terms associated with the hussars had originated: hussar bearing, to drink hussar-style, to cook hussar-style. In the imagination of admiring people the hussar’s kitchen was also something special. Although, of course, in wartime, even the hussars ate very simply and modestly – soups and porridge, no delicatessen.
Nowadays you can find a huge number of recipes with the name “hussar”. This does not mean that they have a direct relationship to the hussar life, but their pretentiousness reflects the spirit of these soldiers. The hussars liked to eat, and it is said that being in France, they favored French meat casserole more than other dishes. Probably that was how the Russian recipe of hussar-style meat came into being. There is a number of dishes, sharing this name differing in the technology of cooking. But we think that the right recipe should be the easiest.
We offer a quick recipe of a hearty dish with a bold name – Hussar-Style Beef.
Ingredients for 4 servings:
1.3 lb beef
3.53 oz butter
2-3 onions
white bread
3.53 oz cheese
1 cup stock
salt, pepper
Thinly slice the beef, beat with the flat end of the knife, and season both sides with salt and pepper. Fry in a frying or grill pan. Prepare the stuffing. Soak white bread in stock, add finely chopped onion, grated cheese and butter. Add salt and pepper and mix well.
Lay out prepared mixture on browned slices of meat. Fasten the edges with toothpicks and put in a deep pan. Pour a little stock or water and simmer until tender.
These rolls can be served with a hearty side dish or independently. There is a version of this recipe where instead of white bread, mashed potato is used, and you definitely do not need a side dish with this one, you can simply serve it with fresh vegetables.
Bon appetite!
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