

Chakhokhbili – Georgian stewed chicken

By |2019-03-22T15:16:07+00:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian, Main Dishes|Tags: |

Chachochbili is a Georgian dish made from chicken and sauce with herbs. Ingredients for preparing Chakhokhbili: The dish can be served both for any occasion thanks to its delicious tender taste. 3 pounds chicken thighs, wings, and unboned breasts. 5 tablespoons unsalted butter. 3 medium onions, coarsely chopped. 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour. 1 [...]

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By |2019-01-04T23:26:26+00:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: Georgian, Poultry|

Do you want to cook a dish that will create a special atmosphere at the table? Or maybe you're planning a gastronomic evening in Oriental style? Then any dish of Georgian cuisine will do half the work for you. After all, the Georgians themselves are very hospitable and friendly. Their dishes, richly flavored with herbs, [...]

Stuffed Chicken

By |2011-11-02T17:59:14+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian|

This Stuffed Chicken Georgian dish differs from a simple stuffed chicken by original tasty filling.Useful properties of chicken meat is primarily in the contents of a large number of high-quality protein. In addition, the chicken, when compared with other types of meat, it is extremely rich in potassium and phosphorus. Perhaps, everyone knows that chicken breast [...]

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Satsivi From Poultry

By |2011-11-02T17:57:22+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian|

Satsivi is a traditional cold Georgian appetizer from poultry. Satsivi (load. საცივი – cold dish) – Sauce Georgian cuisine. It is also the title of sauce may be referred to the finished dish. The most widely used of the dishes with the sauce had poultry, mostly chicken sauce Satsivi called simply “Satsivi.” However, we must bear [...]

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Red Lobio

By |2011-11-02T17:54:53+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian|

Nutritionists call any beans, regardless of its color, a valuable source of vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. But the red bean has a number of advantages over their “relatives” of other colors. However, the protein component has nothing to do with it – it is characteristic of all the legumes. Much more [...]

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By |2011-11-02T17:53:32+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian, Recipes, Soups|

Mugeugi is a traditional Georgian cold dense soup made from pork legs, ears and tails. Muzhuzhi (load .: მუჟუჟი) – Georgian jellied pork. Strictly speaking, it refers to muzhuzhi cold appetizers – a sort of brawn, but a little easier. Cooking can be both of the legs, and from the flesh of pork or even fish, [...]

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By |2011-11-02T17:52:10+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Food, Georgian, Meats|

Kupaty (load. კუპატი) – a special kind of raw sausage preservirovannyh requiring cooking. Kupaty cooked on charcoal grill or in the same way as the other raw sausages. The casing of the gut puncture is not recommended, as this leads to loss of juice and fat. Thin pork intestine, cut at 20-25 cm, washed in salt, [...]

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By |2011-11-02T17:50:38+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian|

Khinkali is a kind of Georgian pelmeni (boiled pastries with a meat filling), very spicy. Khinkali (load. ხინკალი) – the national dish of Georgian cuisine, from mountain areas Pshavi, Mtiuleti and Khevsureti Georgia, then the dish has spread to other parts of the Caucasus. Georgian khinkali composition and method of preparation differs significantly from Dagestan khinkali, [...]

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By |2011-11-02T17:49:37+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian, Recipes, Soups|

Khashi is Georgian dense soup made from entrails and garlic. The Armenian name of the dish comes from խաշ [hash] – cooking. Because of the Armenian language in further word passed to the Turkish and Georgian. The Armenian literature referred to in the form of soup or hashou hashoy from the XI century (the first time [...]

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By |2011-11-02T17:48:36+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian|

Gomi is dense, pastry dish made from corn and wheat flour. (without salt or spices). It is served hot instead of bread to spicy dishes. Gomi – highlight of the program the main character of today’s topic. Gomi, she hominy – Georgian porridge-like dish with cheese (often – suluguni, although you can take any: suluguni smoked, [...]

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By |2011-11-02T17:47:06+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian|

Buglama is lamb stewed in large quantity of spices. The first dish of Georgian cuisine, cooked lamb, braised with spices with a small amount of liquid. Buglama translates steamed. Mandatory for this dish are lamb, tomatoes, onions, peppers. Buglama lamb – it’s very tasty and hearty meat dishes. It makes more sturgeon or other fish. [...]

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By |2011-11-02T17:45:57+00:00November 2nd, 2011|Categories: Cuisine, Georgian|

Basturma is a traditional Georgian kebab. Delicious meat is served with table wine and much of green. Basturma (Azeri. Basdırma, arm. Բաստուրմա, tour. Pastırma) – dried fillet of beef, a dish in the kitchens of the countries located in the territory of the former Ottoman Empire. Fresh salted cutting, then put under pressure (rubbed with salt), [...]

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