Khashi is Georgian dense soup made from entrails and garlic.
The Armenian name of the dish comes from խաշ [hash] – cooking. Because of the Armenian language in further word passed to the Turkish and Georgian. The Armenian literature referred to in the form of soup or hashou hashoy from the XI century (the first time in Gregory Magistros), a modern form of hash is known from the XVII century (“Efimerte”).
Khash is traditionally eaten in the early morning, before breakfast or lunch. In a bowl put the chopped garlic, falling asleep hash plenty of spicy greens: parsley, celery, cilantro sure. Separately, rubbed with spicy radish, eating it, pita bread and herbs (basil, tarragon). In Azerbaijan, this dish is served without green without radishes. In Ossetia hash prepared only from offal – rumen and intestines, also adding a lot of greens.
According to the subject in the program “What? Where? When? “, Armenian hash does not love three things: Cognac (hash eat only with vodka), women (they should not eat garlic) and toast (as they are usually long and lengthy, and hash it should only hot).
The Armenian kalendarovedcheskom collection of XVII century “Efimerte” in February, due to weather conditions, particularly recommended to eat hash with garlic and red pepper.
- 600 g beef.
- 750 g tripe.
- 300 g maw.
- 500 g broth.
- 30 g garlic.
- 60 g kidney fat.
- 30 g butter.
- 100 g white bread.
- 100 g milk.
- Spices.
- Salt.
- Grind beef kidney fat in a mincer, and then add beef legs, tripe and maw.
- Sautee everything on high heat, covered.
- Pour over boiling water and cook until meat is boned freely.
- Then add soaked in milk bread, butter, salt and spices 20 minutes before finishing.
- Serve with ground garlic with salt in a small quantity of broth.