Meat Soup With Potato Kletsky is a wonderful version of potato soup. The recipe is taken from ancient Jewish cookbook and was written in Old Slavonic language.

Ingredients for preparing Meat Soup With Potato Kletsky:

Trust your sense of proportion and you will succeed!

  • 700 g meat with bone.
  • 2 l water.
  • 2 ea eggs.
  • 100 g butter.
  • 3 ea average potatoes.
  • 1 c flour.
  • Salt.


  • Put meat in the cold water to make broth tastier.
  • Bring to boil; reduce heat.
  • Remove the grease and froth from the broth surface with a spoon.
  • Cook at a low heat for 1 hour.
  • Pour cold water in to keep the same quantity of broth.
  • Boil potatoes in skin and cool down.
  • Peel of the skin and grate finely.
  • Combine grated potatoes with salt, butter, eggs and flour and knead dough.
  • Shape small balls and sink them in boiling soup, cook until kletsky are on the top.