The winters can be harsh and cold. Warm clothes make all the difference in the world for your comfort. One of the most important pieces of clothing is a fur hat. However, it’s not only important to stay warm, but you most certainly want to look good also.
Wearing a hat prevents body heat from escaping and leaving us cold and uncomfortable.

It’s also a piece of Russian clothing that can make you look fabulous or a laughing stock. You can have the most comfortable and warmest hat in the world, but if it doesn’t look good also, you’re probably not going to wear it.

Make sure you have a warm and stylish hat for the coming winter months. A well made ushanka made of rabbit fur will do the trick. It is both very warm as well as fashionable for men and women.
A ushanka has a long history as the traditional hat of Russia. It has proven over the years to be extremely comfortable for the long frigid winters. These hats come with ear flaps that are there to keep the ears cozy or they can be folded up. In fact, ushanka is literally translated as “ear flaps”.

A hat needs to be both effective and stylish and a Russian ushanka does both extremely well. This is one of the reasons that this type of hat is not only worn in Russia, but has become popular throughout the world. In fact, it’s very common in this day and age to see this style of hat as part of every top fashion designer’s collections. Wearing a ushanka will set you apart from the crowd. Everyone of your friends will take notice as you proudly wear your head piece for every one to see.

Most of the hats that we have available are made of natural rabbit fur. It’s of the highest quality and 100 percent natural, with absolutely no dying. Each model is available in all sizes and comes in brown, grey, black, white as well as a mixture of brown and white colors.

The winter is upon us and you need a hat that accentuates your look as well as keeps you cozy, warm and comfortable. Visit and see what we have in store for you. You’ll soon be feeling the comfort, warmth and looking your best in a beautifully made ushanka.